Pirarucu is the only Arapaima fly fishing destination in the Brazilian Amazon.
Located in the Mamirauá Reserve is the largest wild Arapaima sanctuary on earth.
Diversity of species: fish for tambaquis and arowanas with dry flies.
The season runs from early September to late November.
Exclusivity: availability for 8 anglers per week.
Specifically designed fly fishing boats with one professional fishing guide and one native guide.
Uakari Floating Lodge has 10 en-suite wood cabins with space for all anglers and Eco-Tourists. All Inclusive services and Wifi Internet.
Very easy access to the lodge and flexibility for 2, 4, or 6 days of fishing which opens up options for combo trips to Rio Marié and Xingu Lodge.
Incredible Wildlife & Premium Eco-Tourism activities for the entire family.
Our program promotes fish conservation, support to local communities, sustainability, and protection of culture.

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