Pirarucú Season 2023 | Fishing report week 03 September 17 to 23

Water Conditions:
Water Level very low, but its not dropping fast any more.

Weather Conditions:
One nice rain in the late afternoon.

Fishing conditions:

Third week of our season and the water is on the lowest level in the last 10 years.

That means lots of fish around and also the wildlife is all over the lakes now. Just amazing to watch!

Highlight of the week here was the first 2 plus meter fish catch by the legendary angler Reggie from the USA. Congrats! Also we were able to catch some fish from shore with the guests for the first time ever. It was very nice!

Week 3 is in the books as another amazing week!

Fishing stats:

Anglers: 6
Total number of fish landed in the week – 43
Biggest fish landed in the week - 205 cm

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