Pirarucu Season 2022 | Fishing report week 3 October 2 to 7

Total of 8 clients7 clients from Brazil, and 1 from Argentina

Water Color – getting better
Water Level – super low

Temperature – 36°C
We had all sunny days, and no storms this week.

We had a great week with incredibly low water levels and lots of big fish. Our highlight was Milton’s 229 cm. monster arapaima! Our good friend Aldo landed some beasts as well. With great numbers of pacu around, it can be tempting to fish for them, but most of our anglers were on the hunt for giant arapaima. They were all over the place, so it was hard to resist!

Total number of arapaima caught this week –27
Biggest fish landed in the week
Arapaima 229 cm.
Pacu 40 cm.
Aruana 82 cm.

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