Pirarucu Lodge Fishing Report
September 29 – October 4, 2019
Water Conditions
The water levels slowly dropped during the week, and water temperatures were about 25°C.
Weather Conditions
Temperature were approximately 31°C. We only had rain one evening, so we didn’t lose any fishing time.
Fishing Conditions
It was another great week of fishing — this time with a group of anglers from Seattle. We targeted arowana on the first day and landed well over 30-40 fish per boat by sight fishing the surface. And that was the beginning! We also landed our new record arapaima at Pirarucu — a monster that was 223cm. What a week!
Total number of fish landed during the week: 142
Biggest fish landed during the week:
Arapaima: 223cm
Tambaqui: 53cm
Arowana: 82cm
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