Pirarucu Fishing Report 2018
DATE: Oct. 5–9
Water Conditions
Water color: natural
Water level: dropping
Water temperature: ranged between 28–30ºC
Weather Conditions
Temperature: 34ºC with some rain during the week
Fishing Conditions
Flies that worked the best:
Streamers with the following patterns: black and red head, white and red head, and brown and white belly.
Fishing Stats
Anglers: 6 anglers for 4 days of fishing
Total number of fish landed this week:
Arapaima – 49
Arowana – 27
Tambaqui – 5
Biggest fish landed this week (length and weight)
Arapaima – 2.37m over 260 pounds
Arowana – 79 cm
Tambaqui – 49 cm
Highlights of the week:
Water levels were very low, and arapaima were caught mostly with floating and intermediate lines. Tim, the host from Fly Castaway, caught two of this week’s biggest fish — one reaching 2.37m and another at 2.33m. Another noticeable catch, by Dirk, reached 2.23m and weighed more than 200 pounds.
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