Pirarucú Season 2023 | Fishing report week 02 September 10 to 15

Water Conditions:
Water Level very low and still dropping very fast

Weather Conditions:
One morning of little rain and lots of beautiful weather

Fishing conditions:
Our second week was just great with a super cool group of South African anglers, with lots of saltwater experience. They put all their knowledge and the arapaima had no chance other than to be in our photos this week. Anglers  came from a combo trip with Marié and that was for sure a trip of a lifetime.

Highlight of the week here was the number of fish eating on the surface and lots of big explosions everywhere, just amazing to watch.

Overall an amazing week, lots of fun and some crazy party time.

Fishing stats:

Anglers: 8
Total number of fish landed in the week – 34
Biggest fish landed in the week - 187 cm

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