Slumber above the waters that host the arapaima, the biggest jungle fish in the Amazon. Try to get a hold of the freshwater titan while wandering around a reserve that strikes the senses with its active wildlife, ranks among the top-five birdwatching destinations in the Amazon -and provides a palette of tours and activities for the entire family.
Untamed Angling has developed a unique and ground- breaking model that opens the gates of these marvelous fisheries to the angling community. From its beginnings, each project is developed in complete cooperation with and endorsement by the local communities. These communities are our partners and directly benefit from our operations.We applied their famous concept of partnering with Local Amazon Communities and their Associations when they established a long term Project with Mamiraua Communities and their representative Association and the Environmental Dept of Amazon. This project's purpose is to create a sustainable way to develop new productive alternatives for their life while at the same time, protecting their land and culture and improving their life quality.Pirarucu, is the first and only exclusive fly-fishing only project allowed and supported by Brazilian Government with focus on Arapaima. Environmental Officials workedtogether with the local Association to create these very first official sport fishing operations in Brazil.
For the first time, the Brazilian government has collaborated with local Native Communities to both protect the interests of the indigenous natives while simultaneously creating an angling preserve by establishing a “fly-fishing only” catch-and-release fishery. This unique and forward-thinking concept mirrors the business plan of Untamed Angling, who previously implemented the formula on their now world-renowned Tsimane Lodge in Bolivia and Marié River in Brazil. Their success and refined strategies have now been duplicated and implemented by the Brazilian Government.
The concept addresses 7 critical components:
1. Involvement of indigenous locals
2. Environmental stewardship and sustainability
3. Scientific biological research
4. Wilderness protection
5. Legal authority, endorsement and permits
6. First-class service & World-class fishing With the implementation of this concept, it should guarantee not only an exclusive and world-class fishery well into the future, but the protection of a priceless rain forest, and amazing cultural adventure for visitors, as well.